My Hotmail account has been hacked

Updated: 120615

Someone has hacked my Hotmail account (including email addresses), and now use me as a sender of spam mail.

How do I know this, a friend of order will ask himself/herself.

The reason I know this is that some of these spam mail returned to me, because some recipients were not accessible. More spam mail might have been sent using me as the sender, without my knowledge, since it is only when one of the recipients is not accessible the letter return back to my account.

In one of the returned emails from my account, the following could be read from the source of the message:
”X-Originating-IP: [187 139 148 186]”

On this page:

it´s possible to find out the owner/s of the IP address:

Address: Periferico Sur, 3190, ALVARO OBREG
Address: 01 900 – MEXICO DF – DF
country: MX
phone:   +52 5 556 244 400 []

When I searched on Google for:
Periferico Sur, 3190, Alvaro Obregon

I found an answer (in Spanish) at this link (those who doesn´t speak Spanish may use Google to roughly translate the text):

The question was:
Me hacking Aaron que HAGO?
HAGO que el reporte dice que es la dirección ip la dirección es Periferico Sur # 3190 a la Delegación Alvaro Obregon y el tel es 52 5 556 244 400 . 52 5 556244400
mi análisis me arrojo un cokie ya lo eliminate pero al parecer robo toda mi información (¿pero que tipo de info Roban? ay creen que puedan utilizar mis contraseñas para abrir y modificar mis blogs mis correos, mi MySpacee y Demas

followed by this reply:
La unica Manera de que te puedan robar contraseñas es que la Hayas marcado opcion the recordar contraseña a tu navegador o que Hayas ingresado tu contraseña al
momento de que te hayan ”hackeado” y lo que preguntas si es que tipo de Información tea pueden robar Lamento decirte que es cualquier tipo de información pueden robarte documentos, archivos, prog framed the 30kb hasta 1GB, 2GB, 3GB, etc …
Y al menos de que no sea un verdadero Cracker y encuentre Información util para robarte y para Obtener ganancias Hara Io posible pair estafarte pero s un solo es Lammer tea aseguro que solo Busca divertirse y Jøder a los Demas Yo que tu me preocuparia mas pore la clave the tumor cuenta the Correo ya que las Demas no tienen mucha importancia .. th recomiendo que cambies rapidamente tumor contraseña tumor pregunta y y respuesta secretarial Suerte y espero que haya resuelto tumor Duda

Apparently it is the same person/people who hacked my Hotmail account; because the letters are not sent from the email program I have installed on my computer.

Other IP addresses from where the spam messages was sent – with my user account as the sender – are: (that IP address goes to:
Address: Lagoas Marco Ende, Parcela 32
Address: Campus Universitario de Vigo (CUVI)
Address: 36201 Vigo Espanha
phone:   +34986910227
fax-no: +34986910247)

and (that IP address goes to:
Address: Treinta y Tres, 1418, P.3
Address: 11000 – Montevideo –
Country: UY
phone:   +598 2 9028819 [])

and (that IP address goes to:
person: Artyom Kuzikyan
address: Teryan 19, apt. 4
address: Yerevan 375010
address: Republic of Armenia
phone: +37410 525258)

I can only consider one reason for hacking my account;  someone want to smear my reputation or/and my name. In addition to sending spam from my Hotmail account, I
have recently experienced that someone has phoned an organization and claimed to be Ola Jordán.

Of course I can´t to 100 percent say these things are interlinked.
But my suspicion is that these events is related to what I have posted/published about the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and the CIA aircraft landed
at the Swedish airports (which backgrounds/events the Swedish state authorities are trying to hide).

I can only suggest you to read some of the articles I’ve written, to get an idea what this is all about:

Some reflections on the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister in 1986 (in Swedish: Några reflektioner angående mordet på Sveriges statsminister år 1986)

Ignorant reporter in SR’s Studio One on CIA aircraft that landed in Sweden (in Swedish: Okunnig reporter i SR:s Studio Ett om CIA-flygplan som landat i Sverige)

To understand what is happening in Sweden today (including what I have written about in these two foregoing articles) – which are not covered in the MSM – you should read
the novels (partly based upon his knowledge of the military – and the security police – intelligence in Sweden and abroad) of Anders Jallai:

I also suggest you to read the author Jack London’s novel Iron Heel to understand the means the oligarchs have to its disposal against those who question the official
truth (and which they don´t hesitate to use when their power is in danger).

Ola Jordán

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