Ballad of German Khaled El-Masri (updated)

Updated: 120907

The land in the west sure like to rule other nations,
with bombs and other WMDs it need no invitations,

at sea, in the air and on the land,
– the U.S. are trying to steer with an iron hand.

It´s a War on Terror – they say,
but powered by intrigues and dirty play,

in reality it´s a battle for oil and Domination,
and implemented with human extermination.

Does the ”The Land of Freedom” see you as a terrorist,
and label You as a dangerous Islamist,

you will be flown to an unknown prison,
and they will claim you did things you never done.

Kidnapped and tortured by the CIA-personell,
it happened to El-Masri, but it could have been you and me as well.

El-Masri was abducted – and in Kabul thrown into a black site,
the days grew to five months of fright,

he had to live in dirt and perpetual darkness,
while interrogated and tortured for the sake of U.S.

With his hands tied and no possibility to see,
in remote Albania he was released finally.

Afraid to be shot in his back and die in vain,
he began to walk and could later return home again.

Once in Germany, he could now tell his stories,
about U.S. torture and all his worries.

But what happened then I´ll now tell you all,
but listen carefully – you may not believe it when I this recall.

Kidnapped and tortured by the CIA-personell,
it happened to El-Masri, but it could have been you and me as well.

The names of the CIA-agents it wasn´t possible to hide,
and the requirement was that they should be tried,

towards El-Masri and the thousands who had to cope with this,
and have to answer for all their cruelties.

But the high politicians in Germany now showed their true policies,
and El-Masri was made a pawn in foreign alliancies.

The citizens´views on law and order was less important than the state,
and obviously the U.S. did find all this great.

The indictment was down because the relationship must be kept in good condition,
and no one had to be responsible for him as a victim of illegal Rendition.

El-Masri has now a criminal record and viewed as mentally unstable,
but considering the treatment he had is it not quite understandable?

Kidnapped and tortured by the CIA-personell,
it happened to El-Masri, but it could have been you and me as well.

Ola Jordán

This entry was posted in Huvudströmsmedia och offentliga lögnen, Om folkens kamp. Bookmark the permalink.

En kommentar till Ballad of German Khaled El-Masri (updated)

  1. Karl Andersson säger:

    A really good poem. It´s an important contribution to uncover the USA/CIA-criminalities in our time.


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